"Requirements up to black belt"
What is Ching Sai Do (Ching Sigh Dough)? It is any martial arts system consisting of eight colored belts
kata/patterns/forms and forty effective self-defense techniques up to and including 1st degree black belt. If your system does not have any forms, you may substitute forty more self-defense techniques. You must also perform all basic kicks and punches properly. Rank in Ching Sai Do is awarded to practitioners of any martial art style who can meet these basic requirements. Regardless of style or denomination, your art is to conform to these guidelines, allowing your students and you the certification in Ching Sai Do, which is literally translated “combat"
"Requirements up to black belt"
What is Ching Sai Do (Ching Sigh Dough)? It is any martial arts system consisting of eight colored belts
kata/patterns/forms and forty effective self-defense techniques up to and including 1st degree black belt. If your system does not have any forms, you may substitute forty more self-defense techniques. You must also perform all basic kicks and punches properly. Rank in Ching Sai Do is awarded to practitioners of any martial art style who can meet these basic requirements. Regardless of style or denomination, your art is to conform to these guidelines, allowing your students and you the certification in Ching Sai Do, which is literally translated “combat"